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Boost energy, nourish blood and complexion
Ingredients:Red date, black date, golden date and ginseng
Direction(1):De-seed dates, immerse in pot with 5 cups of water; bring to boil, simmer for 20 minutes, let sit for 15 minutes; serve during the day
Direction(2):For consumption in office, de-seed dates, cut into small pieces, put in thermal pot/cup with hot water, brew up to an hour; add hot water during the day
Retailer Licence in Chinese Herbal Medicines:CR-2018-00452
*The photo above is simply for reference, the real size of the object is final.
【用法】(1):先把上料去核切粒,以5碗水連同以上材料放入小鍋內, 慢火煮20分鐘,熄火後焗15分鐘,日內多次飲用‧
【用法】(2):若帶公司飲用,先把上料去核切小粒,放在保暖壺內, 用熱水焗約1小時即可服用。