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BRIEF ON MENTHOL:Menthol is a crystal obtained through distilling process of Menthol Arvensis L. (Herbal). Menthol can be found in cough syrup, medicated oil, toothpaste, candies, cigarettes and shampoo. It has no side effect.
Made in Jakarta
Warning:Do not rub on to baby’s or children nostril and do not swallow. In case of prolonged sickness, consult doctor. Avoid direct contact with eyes, opened wounds, irritated skins.
*The photo above is simply for reference, the real size of the object is final.
薄荷醇是以野生薄荷提取出來的一種晶體, 在止咳藥水,風油精,牙膏,糖果,香煙,洗頭水中,都有用薄荷醇。它沒有任何副作用
使用說明:只供外用。吸薄荷冰能舒暢因傷風(感冒)而引起的鼻塞, 因精神緊張而引起的頭暈, 暈車等。 額上擦一回薄荷冰能消失頭痛 噁心, 酸痛,風濕,蚊蟲咬 及 避免蚊子咬等